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WowApp helps you to earn, share and improve.

Once you make real money with the WoW app, the choice is yours: you can either make money for yourself or choose to do better for others by donating to nearly 2000 supported charities in over 110 countries.

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True to our mission statement, we personally share 70-80 of our net income with our members! We thus try to create a still responsible world that will prevent income inequality in our world.

Currently, the world’s richest people have more than 3,678,500,000 (3,678 billion) people; yes that’s right: 8 people have more than 50% of the world’s population.
And, the top 1 richest people own more than 99% of all other people today!
According to Woosam ideology, Wowapp was born as a solution to this problem.

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Our logo is the vision of our endeavor to launch a movement that transfers wealth from someone who does not need it. We do this by introducing a new sharing economy where the greatness of economic benefits is shared with the community.
In the new Wowapp sharing economy, you can benefit from many of the activities you already do for free. With Wowapp you can get:

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Chat: Get better and better at simply being in touch with your friends
Games: Get better and better at playing your favorite games
Tip: Make a profit by earning cashback and improve if you need to make paid calls at very low rates.
Smart Slide: Make a profit by unlocking your phone and do it well
Shopping Online: Win cash and do well when shopping from over 100,000 online stores worldwide
INSTITUTE EARN: Get up-to-date and be better than our daily offerings
Smart Web: Get WowCoins and perform better by searching the Internet, reading the news, completing surveys and purchasing online.
News: Get better and do better when reading your favorite news, right from your phone or computer. Organize your news readers with topics, languages, and your favorite broadcasters.

We are constantly working on adding more income generating opportunities for you, so join us today and start earning the money that is right for you.

Wowapp is free! Members of our community pay nothing to gain.

And most important, every day you use Wowapp, you are doing well in the world because a portion of your daily income from each activity is automatically donated to the charity of your choice. Imagine a world where every single one of us was useful every day!

The power is in your hands. Join the Wowapp community and start earning

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