Telegram Airdrops – Only Crypto Airdrops Made For Telegram | Earn Money Online

Telegram Airdrops – Only Crypto Airdrops Made For Telegram

What is a Telegram Airdrop? What is a Telegram Airdrop? Telegram Airdrop is an Crypto Airdrop made specifically for Telegram. It is an airdrop that is created using Telegram Bot Telegram Bot and programmed to let the user carry out the airdrop task within the bot, and track activities of the users on social media and save the airdrop user’s information such as name, email address and wallet airdrop details so that they can to collect the airdrop tokens.

Telegram Airdrops are usually simple and quick to finish which makes airdrop enthusiasts more likely to complete airdrop task. We’ve created this page to help airdrop enthusiasts who are interested in Telegram Airdrops, so they can swiftly and easily gain airdrop token rewards.

Below are a few current Telegram Airdrops that are active:

Shared Internet Airdrop of Data: 300 SID + 50 SID for each referral
Chat using Telegram Bot, Complete Bounties and Refer User

Complete Bounties (300 SID Tokens)

Refer User (50 SID Tokens)

Memez Airdrop

150 Tokens + 100 Tokens per referral
Chat on Telegram with Telegram Bot, Join Telegram, Twitter & Submit ETH wallet address

Sign up to Telegram, Twitter & Submit the ETH email address (150 Memez Tokens

Refer Users (100 Memez Tokens)

WeBuy Airdrop

12 Tokens + 2 Tokens per referral
chat with Telegram Bot, Join Telegram Group and follow on Twitter and Submit Information

Join Telegram Group, Follow on Twitter, Like on Facebook & Subscribe to YouTube Channel (12 WeBuy Tokens)

Refer Users (2 WeBuy Tokens)


Kronos will be airdropping the equivalent of 425 KRON tokens to members of their community. Chat with their Telegram bot and complete the social tasks to earn 125 tokens. Additionally, you can earn 300 KRON tokens by writing at least two articles about Kronos on any social media and when you refer a minimum of 10 friends. Send your information to the bot and earn up to
425 KRON tokens.
425 KRON

Talk to Telegram Bot, Join Telegram Group Make sure you follow two of the five Social Media Profiles, Make 2 Social Posts.
Three questions to answer, submit details and refer users

Complete all social obligations (125 KRON tokens)

Two posts on Kronos on any social media platform and to refer to a
minimum of 10 people. (300 KRON Tokens)

Answer 3 questions. Here are the solutions:

The answer to the question is. (Multi-strategy Hedge Fund Ecosystem)
Answer to number 2: We own an ERC20 Token for our parent fund.
and asset of security tokens and security token for any child strategies.)
The answer to the question #3: (Provides the services of liquidity to exchanges and projects
to ensure fair and orderly market

AgentMile Airdrop (Round 2)

25 Tokens + 5 Tokens Per Referral
Talk using Telegram Bot, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Submit details and refer users

Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube & Submit Details (25 Tokens)

Refer Users (5 Tokens)

GCAir Airdrop

500 Gric Coins
Contact the Telegram Bot, Join Telegram Group and submit the ETH wallet address

Join Telegram Group

Submit your ETH wallet address

The number of referrals is limited to 200. The bot might be a bit slow! Be patient! Rate3 Airdrop 40 RTE
Chat to Telegram Bot, Join Telegram & Refer Users
4.5/5 Join Telegram & Submit Email

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